
NOW PLAYING: "The Alpine Amusement Park"

Popular hiking destinations are looking more like theme park attractions than trails. Here's how we both conserve and preserve access to the outdoors, without putting up turnstiles:


*Written Version Included Below

America’s most popular trails are dealing with a crowding problem. We’re moving into a strange era of lottery systems, tickets, and assigned visiting times to go out and access nature. But do these measures work?

In making “The Alpine Amusement Park,” I learned that most of these restrictions miss the mark on addressing the real threat to conserving our outdoor spaces. This documentary explores some of the alternate solutions being deployed in Colorado, and whether they can serve as a blueprint elsewhere.

If you find this type of content valuable, and want to support independent reporting on the outdoors, consider subscribing to Cole’s Climb. This free weekly publication includes planning resources, exclusive investigations like this one, and fantastic conversations with individuals working to improve our community.

Written Version:

Not everything from my research would fit into the video. The findings in the documentary are expanded on in this written series, “The Alpine Amusement Park, Unraveled:”

I Want to Hear from You

What did yout think of the project? Do you agree, or disagree with the conclusion? I’d love to hear your takes below!

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Special Thanks

There are a few people without whom I couldn’t’ve made this film. You can click on any of these individuals or group names to learn more about them.

Chris Tomer

Chris has been a fantastic friend and mentor in the outdoor space. He was one of the first people to actually encourage me to take on this project. He’s also an exceptional mountaineer and meteorologist specializing in mountain weather patterns.

Ty Ellenbogen

Ty is a talented musician who composes almost all of the music used in my projects. While he did not compose the music used in The Alpine Amusement Park due to time constraints, Ty served as an audio consultant throughout the editing process.

Those Whose Time and Information Shaped this Project:

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Consider sharing it! I have no real budget for marketing my work, and rely almost exclusively on word-of mouth to grow this responsible outdoor community I’ve been working to build over the past year.


I try not to bother my subscribers too much about sharing my posts. But this is a really big one for me. The issue of conservation and access to the outdoors is critical, and I’m trying to get this project in front of as many eyes as possible.

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